Monday, 19 May 2014

Clive gets his hands on the Spanish tactile image

Clive and his tactile photo
Wendy writes : "after several weeks of slow improvements Clive was re admitted last week to Weston Park hospital because of a build up of pressure in his brain. The staff at Weston Park were fantastic, as usual, and the following day he was feeling much better. Amazingly Clive has regained a little of his vision! He says it's very blurry but he can make out shapes and colours. 

Even the packing crate is beautiful
I spent a lot of time at the hospital this week and had forgotten that the tactile photo was due to arrive from Spain on Friday so when the bell rang, followed by a loud banging on the door, I thought that it was Clive coming back home. I opened the door to a large delivery lorry and a very cheery driver who said. "I didn't want to get it out until I knew someone was home" he then jumped up onto his lorry and heaved out a huge crate. The crate was beautifully made and had clips and carrying handles. He carried it into the hall but it had to stay there until the ambulance arrived because it was too heavy for me to carry it any further.

The crate stayed on the floor in the living room for the next few hours while Clive recovered from the journey. After lunch I unclipped and then unscrewed the lid of the crate to reveal the photo which was wrapped in yards of bubble wrap. I lifted it out and put it on the bed for Clive to undo. It was very exciting. After all the wrapping had been removed I turned the picture over and Clive said "hello Dave". 

It does seem rather large !
It was fantastic to see and feel the photo. It looks so real especially because it is almost life size. Clive is really pleased that he can see some of the image and also experience it with his hands. Marcus and Nathan came round last night to visit and see the picture Marcus ran his hands over Dave's torso and said "wow his nipples feel like nipples!" It's slightly eerie having it propped up against the fireplace because it looks so real.
Clive shelling broad beans by a window onto the garden

We'd like to thank Juan Torre, Cristina Velasco and everyone at Estudios Durero for doing such a fantastic job for us." 

Our appeal is by no means over. We're planning an exhibition of Clive's and his students photos presented in pairs of photo prints and tactile equivalents, so we're still collecting money and a big 'thank you' to everyone who has contributed so far and made this possible.

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